Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Laugh until you wet yourself - it's okay because it's funny

laughing(a): showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness; 

We all do it - right? I'd like to think so because if you don't, you'd be quite insane.
Melbourne is currently holding it's annual Melbourne International Comedy Festival - and just the other night I saw one of my favourite comedians, Russell Kane. He was amazing, full of energy and of course, hilarious. 
Look, he also replied to my tweet - laughing. LAUGHING! It was a great moment.

It's kind of scary when you laugh so hard you can't breathe and when you finally settle down just a little, you remember why you laughed in the first place and it's just a viscous but bloody enjoyable cycle. It's probably the most pleasurable pain someone can endure.

You know when you're with a group of people or you have a sleepover and you have that session where everyone sits in a circle and takes it in turns to tell a joke? I love that. Any reason to laugh is great.

Mi piace these comedians - go search these guys on Youtube. 
Ariana Mehmeti (I highly recommend her)

Arj Barker
Carl Barron
Danny Bhoy
David O'Doherty
Dave Chappelle
Dylan Moran
Eddie Ifft
Eddie Izzard
Eddie Murphy
Mitch Hedberg
Pablo Francisco
Russell Kane
Russell Peters
Stephen K Amos

Keep laughing!


  1. I laugh till I cry... A lot! Mostly at my own jokes! There's tears and snot and grunting!?! It's better than 4 valium and a couple of Prozac's... Well, almost! :)

  2. Along with a little bit of piss in the underwear, yes? Don't let it be just me...

  3. You wear underwear? That's just a barrier to fun! Hahahaha! Yes, yes I pee my pants! :/

